Saturday, March 28, 2020

Chemistry - Central Science

Chemistry - Central ScienceChemistry is a central science and is usually seen as the study of the chemical nature of matter. It is now commonly known that chemistry does not have a single theory, but rather a large number of theories. This study is very diverse and it deals with all the aspects of the chemical world and this includes the properties of a number of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, chlorine, sulphur, sodium, potassium, chloride, nitrate, and the likes.As a fundamental part of the modern science, this branch of science deals with the different elements and all their compounds. In this course of study, many important questions are asked: how is water made? Does electricity occur in a gas?All these are addressed in the third edition of the textbook, Inorganic Chemistry. We learn about the action of heat on an element such as sodium, or how one form of matter changes into another such as water, gas, and solid. It is important to stud y these studies because it may be important later on to understand how the transition takes place. One of the most interesting aspects of this course is the fact that all the textbooks that deal with this field are different from each other.The text is divided into three parts, which are also linked with each other. Part I deals with ionic phenomena and Part II discusses electrolytic phenomena. The last part of the text gives us an account of the equilibrium study of the course. The text gives us a brief account of the properties of all the elements and other materials.This course also deals with the uses of osmosis, which is the removal of impurities from a body by means of a fluid like water or wine. These courses are very practical for scientists in industrial settings. These classes are taught by trained professionals who study what is said in this book. Some of them are experts on the topic so that they can explain the material in a very simple way to make the subject easier to grasp.As we move towards a new millennium, many people are going in for learning a new language or many other subjects, some of them may also enroll in teaching courses. This is where we see that there are several science texts available for the convenience of people. For example, this text has been used by many people for a long time now, so we can be sure that it is still valid and useful. There are many reasons why we should choose this text, but as we said, it will depend on our preference, our choice of our students.Chemistry is not just the study of the elements, as mentioned earlier, but also the study of all the properties that come along with them. If you want to learn chemistry, you should check out this chemistry text and make sure that you get the best deal.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 of the best book-to-screen adaptations

5 of the best book-to-screen adaptations It's a truth universally acknowledged that most teenagers prefer watching TV to reading books - so perhaps adapting English GSCE and A-level set texts for the screen is the best way to get our tutees hooked on the classics. Here are five of the best book-to-screen adaptations: 1) Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare c. 1595 / Baz Luhrmann 1996 (Film) Baz Luhrmann made Shakespeare accessible to a whole new generation - without dumbing down. The film's frenetic direction captures the speed and impulsiveness of the young lovers' relationship, making their sudden demise all the more brutal. 2) Pride Prejudice - Jane Austen 1813 / BBC 1995 (TV series) This seminal costume drama is as much-loved today as when Colin Firth first strode out of that lake. Eye candy aside, this adaptation works because it perfectly captures the style and intention of Austen's writing, drawing out the satirical elements of her work without resorting to caricature. 3) Bleak House - Charles Dickens 1852-1853 / BBC 2005 (TV series) This English A-level perennial is a dense read with its myriad of characters, plots and sub-plots. This classy adaptation (again by the BBC) manages to streamline the story, without losing any of its essence. 4) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey 1962 / Milos Forman 1975 (Film) Sticking closely to the original narrative, director Milos Forman shies away from the temptation to soften some of the book's harder edges. The result is a film which packs an undeniably powerful punch, with one of the most memorable anti-heroes in modern literature brilliantly realised by Jack Nicholson. 5) The Color Purple - Alice Walker 1982 / Stephen Spielberg 1985 (Film) First time readers often struggle with the regional dialect Walker employs in her Pulitzer Prize winning novel. This film adaptation is a strong introduction to the book, aiding understanding of Walker's language and thematic intentions, without overpowering its source.

7 Tips to Settle in at College

7 Tips to Settle in at College Tips From an Orange County College Tutor: How to Settle in at College Tips From an Orange County College Tutor: How to Settle in at College Freshmen are just starting to settle in on campus and are figuring out what’s working and what’s not. There are so many things that new college students have to deal with and it’s important to be able to focus on academics. There are a few things that freshmen can do to start adjusting. 1 Make yourself comfortable Dorms are not nearly as nice as the comfort of home but most new college students live in them anyways. It’s important for students to have as much comfort as possible when settling in to the college environment. In addition to making their room nicer, students should make sure they have comfortable clothes and shoes that are appropriate for the season. Freshmen will have plenty of walking to do during their first year so they should consider practicalities over fashion. 2 Create an excellent note-taking system University-level courses are entirely overwhelming and totally different than high school courses. It’s very easy to get confused and forget which notes went with which topics or assignments. Students who are highly organized are more likely to keep assignments separate and recall which items are due for which course. Note-taking is a huge part of the college experience and, whether typed on a tablet or written on paper, it’s essential to success (READ: 5 Things to Consider if you are Applying to Graduate Schools). 3 Squeeze in study time During the first year of college, most students have yet to find how best to fill all of those free minutes in between classes. Although it’s important to make new friends and explore campus, especially in the beginning, students can use those valuable minutes here and there as part of their study routine. A half hour here and 90 minutes there can make a big difference when it comes to getting important assignments completed on time. 4 Make study-minded friends One of the best ways to get distracted during the first term at college is to make friends who don’t value academics and learning. Regardless of your particular major, it’s a great idea to make friends with other students who want to perform well in classes and spend free time studying. When students join a study group or even just hang around with responsible peers, they are more likely to value their own education and make it through the first year without any problems. 5 Think minimalist Clutter isn’t in any way helpful when it comes to adjusting to college life. Whether a student has piles of stuff lying around the dorm room or an overloaded back pack, tons of extra stuff can be a huge distraction. It’s better for new students to think minimalist and streamline their lifestyle. If students can get themselves organized, they have a better chance of focusing on assignments and avoiding unnecessary distraction. 6 Share responsibilities Once freshmen have met peers who are focused on education, they can start sharing responsibilities. Study skills and organization are a lot easier to accomplish when shared. New students are encouraged to work as a team and figure out who has skills in particular areas. Many students feel the need to go it alone and this can be detrimental to their academic life as well as their general well being. Sharing responsibilities can make college life easier overall. 7 Join a social club or organization One of the biggest non-academic issues when starting college is adjusting to a new social life. Most students have had the same close friends for at least four years and they are now in a situation where they have to make a whole new group of friends almost overnight. Although all students are in the same situation, not everyone will have an easy time of it. One of the best ways to meet friends with shared interests is to join a social club on campus. Students will basically have a dozen new acquaintances in a matter of hours (READ: 5 Ways to Transition Back to College). In Short Although adjusting to college life is one of the biggest changes young people will ever make, there are several things they can do to make the transition easier. Whether they are dealing with academic or social issues, students are better off in the company of peers than to try to achieve everything on their own. Start the academic year off strong with the help of an Orange County private college tutor. Call us for details! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Tips to Follow for a Positive Work-Life Balance

4 Tips to Follow for a Positive Work-Life Balance via Pixabay 1. Leave Your Work at Work As much as you want to impress your boss with your work ethic, it is important to separate home from work in order to achieve positive work-life balance. When you end your day at the office, make sure to  end your day  at  the office. That is, turn off your email and dont answer your phone unless you know are expecting something important to happen outside of normal hours. By doing so, you will allow your brain to decompress and recoup after a long day. When you do not think about work 24/7, you will be able to go to work each morning with a fresh perspective on problems. You will also be more sociable in your home life if you are not staring at your phone or laptop the whole time. In a world where we are always tethered, it is even more important that you find a way to take time away from the work tether when you are out with friends. Additionally, if your job involves you working from home, then you should try to develop a specific workspace separate from the rest of your house. Id eally, this would be an entirely separate room; but if that is not possible, dedicate a desk or table to work only; and, above all, do not work from bed. Similarly, you should leave most of home at home. That is, when you are at your desk, whether in the office or at home, you should avoid texting outside friends or family unless for emergency purposes. Leaving social aside will allow you to be more productive and efficient during your work hours, and it will allow you to be  more  sociable later on in the day, when you can celebrate your achievements. 2. Exercise Spending time outside of work by doing something active will also lead to a positive work-life balance. This could be going for a run, doing yoga, walking the dog...anything that gets you moving. When you exercise before leaving for work in the morning or right when you get home at the end of the day, you release stress endorphins, which will bring more clarity and peace to your lifestyle. When life is moving at 900mph, finding time to dedicate to personal health is even more crucial. via Pixabay 3. Set a Structure Set goals and deadlines for any work-related projects. Owning a planner will help a lot with positive work-life balance. By keeping a relatively-strict schedule, you will refrain from becoming overwhelmed to the point that you cannot leave your work at the office; and it will also allow for more opportunity for you to not think about work  all  the time and thus enjoy hanging out with friends and family. At the same time, a schedule will make you stay on track so that you can impress your boss with efficiency and maybe get things done ahead of time. Along with this time-management skill (which hopefully college taught you some of) for a positive work-life balance comes the idea to start small. Whether this is on the work side, or the life side, if you have something you want to change, dont try to do it in one drastic jump. Instead, make little adjustments to your standard schedule, and once you successfully make one adjustment, start to make another. Build slowly, and you will succe ed! 4. Take Breaks When it is time for lunch at work, actually take your lunch break. Even if your bring your own food, leave your desk and find somewhere else to eat (kitchen, patio..etc). You could also go for a walk during this time or do a complete exercise regiment depending on your time schedule. Taking the time to walk away from a project, get some nourishment, and talk to other people, will allow you to come back refreshed for the second half of the day. Of course, you do not want to take too many breaks and be unproductive, as this will lead to lack of success both in and out of the workplace (i.e. your structure will be gone), but a few breaks can go a long way towards a positive work-life balance. If nothing else from these tips, take this one to heart. If you want to have a positive work-life balance,    listen to your mind and body.  Your body knows what is best for you, and it will tell you when you are doing too much or too little. No one else can tell you what is best for you than you. So, when you are feeling overtired, not yourself, or lethargic, look back on your days and see how you can adjust by way of the above tips.

Sky Avenues International Montessori Kindergarten

Sky Avenues International Montessori Kindergarten Sky Avenues International Montessori Kindergarten Sky Avenues International Kindergartens is committed to the service of the community, understanding that children are the major contributors to our future society. We strive together with the family and society beyond to create educational and personal excellence for the future harmony of our world. As Fujian Provinces first and only Internationally Licensed kindergarten, we are incredibly proud of our group of schools.Opened in 2013, Sky Avenues International Kindergarten has rapidly grown from one classroom with just a few children to todays 3 kindergartens 300 children from 0-6 years old. More and more families are understanding the importance of a natural, organic, happy, holistic and respectful learning environment for their children. When this is married with English language immersion taught by trained, native English speaking teachers, we have a school that brings world education to the children of Xiamen. We currently follow 2 curriculums: an interdisciplinary programme that merges the best of many programmes world-wideand the child-centred, mixed-age Montessori early years curriculum. View our Brochure

Understanding Chemistry Tutors

Understanding Chemistry TutorsWhether you are a complete novice or an expert student, when it comes to applying for a chemistry tutor in Northridge, Los Angeles, the first thing that you should do is to become familiar with all the requirements that will be included in your application. When you have understood all the information, the only thing left is to apply and find out if you qualify for the position.A good chemistry tutor in Northridge can be a very useful asset to your schooling and career. This is why it is essential to make sure that you are hiring a professional individual. It is also important to understand that you need to pay attention to the qualifications that you are getting for your hire, so that you do not miss any opportunities to learn something new.It is important that you must learn some basic chemistry skills for this will go a long way. These can include chemical equations, units, acid and base, and reactions. All these concepts are very important for chemis try and you will have to be taught all of them before you can start working with an actual teacher. The better you know what you need to know, the more you will be able to provide excellent tutoring.You will also need to make sure that you have the proper materials on hand, when it comes to lessons that involve the learning of new concepts. If there is a need for a student to come up with their own calculations, then you will have to have calculators and laboratory kits that can help you with this. You should also have the materials necessary for the demonstration, which is something that is very important to the tutors.While applying for this position, you will need to have access to a website. This is needed to give you the ability to collect all the necessary details on your application. The website must have a link to the online application, so that you will have a means of submitting your application to the teachers who have been approved.The online application form is simple a nd easy to fill out. It will ask you to give as much information as possible and if you have a little bit of knowledge about the subject, this will be easier for you to answer. Be sure to read all the questions carefully and understand the consequences of the answers you provide.Fill out the online application form as quickly as possible because there is no time for mistakes. If you fill out the application on time, it will help to save the teachers from having to go through your application again, so that they can do their own due diligence.

How To Hire The Best Tutors For Your Students

How To Hire The Best Tutors For Your StudentsThe reputation of tutoring companies in Boston has been hurt by the government and by people who try to use the federal grant money in order to cheat students. Many schools have been struggling because of this, so it's very important for them to make sure that they are hiring the right tutors for the right students. If you're an educator or a student yourself and would like to become part of a tutoring company, there are some things that you can do to ensure that you are providing the best quality of tutoring possible.There is a big difference between being a teacher and being a tutor. Teachers are supposed to set goals and teach the students how to achieve them. Tutors are supposed to help the students understand the concept of their objectives and have the ability to help the students get where they need to be. These two professions are very different, but sometimes we don't take the time to realize that they are so much alike.The bigges t problem with many students is that they are not willing to take on new tasks in order to succeed. They don't see the value in a class and just want to go home and relax. The more time that they spend with you, the more they'll learn and the more motivated they'll be to get better.One of the biggest causes of low grade point averages and even failing classes are when students start to drop out. It's a huge problem, because once they've dropped out, it's pretty hard to re-teach them. It's also hard to find a place to send them because they don't have a good grade point average.So when you're looking to start a tutoring company, you need to look for the best of the best tutors in the Boston area. Check the accreditation status of the tutoring company. The company should have been accredited by an accrediting agency and also should have a positive feedback from a previous client.You can also check if the tutoring is relevant to the area that you're working in. For example, if you're i n the medical field, you wouldn't want to hire someone to help you with your math problems. You want to hire someone who specializes in the health field, and you will probably need someone who has already had experience working with patients and understanding what they need to do.Finding new tutors in Boston can be quite challenging, but it is essential if you want to provide the best tutoring possible. Use these tips to make sure that you're providing your students with the best possible education possible.